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Crocodiles, Alligators & Lizards

David Alderton

Crocodiles, alligators, caimans, gila monsters – these creatures all have dinosaur ancestries dating from 94 million years ago. There is something elemental and scary about a crocodile, with its tough scaly skin, long powerful tail, conical, peg-like teeth and vicious... Read moreRead less

Crocodiles, alligators, caimans, gila monsters – these creatures all have dinosaur ancestries dating from 94 million years ago. There is something elemental and scary about a crocodile, with its tough scaly skin, long powerful tail, conical, peg-like teeth and vicious bite. And these creatures can still be found in every part of the world.
Divided by continent, Crocodiles, Alligators & Lizards introduces the American alligator, an apex predator that swims the coasts, estuaries and swamps of southeast USA feeding on fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals; the black caiman, which can grow up to an enormous 6 metres (20ft) in length and prefers the habitat of the slow-moving rivers and lakes of the Amazon basin; the frilled lizard, which spreads its frilly neck when threatened or to impress other lizards; the gila monster, whose two- tone camouflage colouring allows it to easily blend into its desert habitat; and the Komodo dragon, which can run up to 20km/h (13mph) over short distances and has a venomous bite that can paralyze large animals.
With detailed captions explaining the origins, habitat and behaviour of these fascinating species, Crocodiles, Alligators & Lizards is a vivid pictorial guide in over 200 brilliant photographs.

Nature in Photographs series

Format: 297 x 227mm plc
Extent: 224pp
Word count: 10300
Illustrations: 220 photos
ISBN: 9781838864286

David Alderton

David Alderton has enjoyed a life-long interest in wildlife and has travelled widely, studying a variety of creatures in their natural habitats throughout the world. His books have sold over six million copies and been published in over 30 languages.

9781838864286 hb plc

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