However repugnant, torture has been practised, either publicly approved or clandestinely, for thousands of years. From the rack to electrodes, from witch- hunts to the Inquisition to a post-colonial world, torture is something we have always lived with. The History... Read moreRead less
However repugnant, torture has been practised, either publicly approved or clandestinely, for thousands of years. From the rack to electrodes, from witch- hunts to the Inquisition to a post-colonial world, torture is something we have always lived with.
The History of Torture tells the complete story, from the ancient world to the present day, from physical cruelty to mental torment. The rack may be thought of as something medieval, but was first written about in ancient Greece, thumbscrews were introduced to western Europe from Russia in the 17th century, and with the 20th century came the use of electricity and drugs to elicit confessions.
Ranging from the ancient world to Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and Islamic State today, from the Algerian War to the Troubles in Northern Ireland to Cambodia’s Killing Fields, the book also details the fight of campaigning groups against the torture of political and criminal prisoners around the world.
Meticulously researched, The History of Torture is illustrated with more than 100 etchings, paintings and photographs. It offers a remarkable overview of the uses and abuses of power, both within and outside the legal system.
Format: 240 x 189mm
Extent: 192pp
Word count: 60,000
Illustrations: 110 b/w photographs
ISBN: 9781782745198
ISBN: 9781782745198 pb UK and ROW
ISBN: 9781782748922 pb US
ISBN: 9781908273956 epub
ISBN: 9781908696953 Kindle
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